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Choose Abhyas for JEE / NEET Prep
The Abhyas identifies the right sequence of learning for you and segregates the entire syllabus into clear weekly goals, keeping in view of the time you can afford.

Conceputual Videos
Our 1000+ hours of interactive video lessons, starting from the very basics to the advanced level and ensure you learn every thing in detail.

3+ Lakhs Questions
Our subject experts have made an intensive research on 3+ lakh questions to segregate based on the level of the question on the platform to ensure that, they are JEE / NEET model questions like.

Meaningful Analytics
The Abhyas uses machine learning to identify the reason behind your mistakes & leads to actionable insights to help you work on the weak areas.

Master Difficult Questions
Struggling with a difficult Question? No problem! Use our Ask-a-tutor messaging system for personalized explanations from a subject expert.

Identify Common Traps Questions
Identifing common traps are so hard-wired into our thinking process that we often fail to recognize them even when we are falling right into them.

Optimise your study time
AI maximizes efficiency by ensuring that you spend time mastering relevant content, avoiding the content you already know.
Meet the Brightest Minds
Explore the profiles of the outstanding individuals who have not only aced the JEE / NEET but have also gone on to secure admissions in the world's leading universities. From prestigious IITs or Institutions to renowned Ivy League institutions, these students have proven their mettle and become shining examples of academic brilliance.
India's Top Universities or Institutions
These are significant achievements that mark the progress of a platform.
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Push your score from average to distinction level
What stops you to get a good score? Its your inability to identify your weaknesses. The revolutionary Abhyas helps identify these chinks in your armor, empowering you to achieve your target.

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